Ending the Stigma Surrounding Mental Health
How Bell Let’s Talk Day continues to step up in support of mental health
On January 30th, Bell Let’s Talk continues their conversation about Canada’s mental health, creating an open discussion for people to reduce the stigma surrounding this topic. Since 2010, when Bell Let’s Talk began, over 6,313,777 individuals have been supported with access to mental health care, demonstrating exactly how this event has helped so many, and why it’s so important.By creating the opportunity for discussion about mental health, Bell Let’s Talk helps reduce the stigma that is so evident surrounding mental illness. Many assume that when you admit that you’re struggling and need to ask for help, it shows a sign of weakness. It’s important for people to realize that mental health needs to be taken seriously, as mental illness affects 1 in 5 Canadians. Asking for help when you need it is not a sign of weakness, and is instead a sign of strength. It takes courage to admit that you’re not okay, and this is something that Bell Let’s Talk Day encourages people to realize.

Ending the silence: Spark an open conversation
Here at VictoryLab™, we also strive to do the same as Bell Let’s Talk; to begin a conversation about the mental health of Canadians, and to diffuse the stigma surrounding this discussion. Our goal is to provide a platform for individuals and teams to assess their mental health, and to allow individuals to anonymously speak with a trained professional when they need it most. Like Bell Let’s Talk, the VictoryLab™ app gets people talking about where they’re at with their mental health, and encourages individuals to talk to someone when they need to. There’s no need to struggle in silence with mental illness. Reaching out to talk is the first step to reducing the stigma surrounding mental health in general, and we encourage everyone to continue this important conversation as often as possible.
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Bell Let’s Talk: How you can help
If you’re looking for other ways you can help contribute on this Bell Let’s Talk Day, there are a few things that you can do. Using the hashtag #BellLetsTalk when posting on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram allows you to show your support for the cause, and to join countless others who are continuing the conversation about mental health. Not only that, but Bell will also donate 5 cents towards mental health initiatives every time you use the hashtag on Twitter. If you’re an avid Snapchat user, it’s the same deal; every time you use the Bell Let’s Talk Filter, Bell will donate 5 cents towards mental health initiatives. There are many other ways that you can get involved this January 30th, so be sure to check out the Bell Let’s Talk website by clicking here.

Let’s Work Together
Starting the conversation about mental health and how it can affect individuals is extremely important. It helps lead us towards viewing mental health in a more serious and urgent manner. Too many people today suffer in silence with a mental illness. Our goal at VictoryLab™, and at Bell Let’s Talk, is essentially to get people talking about mental health, and to get people relaying the message that it’s okay to not be okay. On January 30th, we at VictoryLab™ encourage everyone to participate as much as possible in Bell Let’s Talk Day, and to help us change the stigma surrounding mental health.
As always, if you’re struggling alone with a mental illness, please reach out to a trusted individual or trained professional. To find out how VictoryLab™ can help you with this, please click here.